Monday, April 9, 2012

Internet money - Goolge vs others

GooGle AdSense is the leading content-sensitive ad network today. However, Google Adsense doesn't excersie monopoly over web based advertising, it has several competitors in the market. Google's terms and conditions are strict such that several web publishers cannot use adsense adverts on their sales. Some publishers are either denied from joining the Google Adsense program, or becoming increasingly common do not wish to do business with Google. There are publishers who's Adsense accounts are being disabled for reasons that are intolerable. Google AdSense still reigns the league as there are no strong competitors. The actual problem is that most of the other affiliate ad networks are interested in large volume customers. They are not interested in the little guys with small blog.

However, there are emerging competitors that are trying to take on AdSense. Here's our list of top 10 alternatives for Google's AdSense.
1. Adbrite
This is considered as one of the best competitors to Google ade. They offer the same large selection of ad formats that is used by Adsense and Clilcksor Additionally, also offer insensline page links with some remarkable click through ratios. They also offer interstitial full page ads that is excellent for monetizing the traffic to your site, and not just the traffic that click on your ads.
Their terms and conditions are more relaxed than Adsense, which allowed greater scope for publishers and bloggers.
AdBrite empowers the publishers to select their own ad rates. Further, the publishers can approve or reject every ad that's purchased for your site or have AdBrite auto accept every ad. AdBrite enables you to instantly sell ads to your visitors via the "Your Ad Here". This is in addition to selling through AdBrite's marketplace and sales team.
AdBrite provides more ad revenue and better ads than traditional networks like AdSense. They can also be a competitive source to generate revenue along-side AdSense. They pay on Net 60 basis. The lowest payment offered by the site is $20.

2.ValueClick media
It's one of the fast growing online ad networks that poses challenge to AdSense. However, the network favors the large customers. In case you can rope in ValueClick, you will be able to profit from some reasonably high paying adverts on your site. It allows tools for controlling the flexibility of your website. You are free to choose what campaigns you want to run on your website and manage everything from a single online reporting interface. They make no contracts with publishers, and have no rules for duration or volume commitments. Further, the publishers are not required to pay serving fees or default fees and they can cancel at any time. Unlike AdSense they offer different ad formats - text ads, Image ads, Interstitial, pop-under and InVue.
They have an industry-average of 65-percent monthly payout on all advertising revenue. They pay on 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPal.

3. Clicksor
It stands a reputation in affiliate ad network market that feasibly competitive against Google Adsense. They provides commissions of 85%, which is unmatched in the industry. This is quite competitive as the ad network offers context sensitive ads just like Google Adsense . Context sensitive ads are better fit to the content on the page, which increases the chances of conversion. Publishers can choose between text, image and multimedia ads for their website. Clicksor also offers accurate online real time stats and a fortnightly payment schedule.
With its high payout and wide range of ad options Clicksor seems a true competitor to AdSense by all means.
Clicksor offers 15 day payouts on advertising. Earnings exceed $50.00, payments are made either by check or instantly through PayPal
4. Chitika
This ad network adopts a different approach from others and displays the targeted products from different manufacturers. With Chitika you can display targeted products based on people's search in your page. The shoppers will experience robust comparative shopping. It offers a keyword-targeted search marketing program that extend the visibility of SME campaign beyond the search engine results. You might be able to see related and competitive links.
5. Bidvertiser
It's another Google AdSense competitor with some intriguing ad formats that include free design. It allows you to specify the look and dimension of your text ads that enables low priced ads. However, most of the advertisers will be looking to control the layout of their ads, which is only possible by turning off the Free design ads.

Bidvertiser makes it easy to customize the layout with simple point-to-click tool that helps publishers to shape up the ads to fit the site's look and feel. They also haveoptions for filtering out the unwanted ads. The reports by Bidvertiser are adequate, but not outstanding. The only problem is their ads are similar to AdSense, and so they cannot be used along with Google AdSense.
Payments are monthly, with minimum $10, by check or Paypal. They pay you either in $25.00 increments by check or $10.00 increments by PayPal.
6. Yahoo Publisher Network
Yahoo is trying to catch up with Google with its beta program. They are trying to focus on context sensitive advertising service. They will be an excellent alternative to Google Adsense, but they impose the same restrictions as Google, including $100 minimum for payouts. Moreover, they are extremely selective or simply don't accept new publishers and advertisers. Yahoo continues to target the large volume publishers. However, the facilities with Yahoo! Publisher Network is that it Integrates with other services into your web site, including Add to My Yahoo! (RSS), Y!Q and more. The beta program is just the beginning.
There are over 750 successful bloggers who use to power their online ad sales. These ads are quite different from all the other ad networks. With BSA you can set a price for different ad positions on your site and basically auction off the spaces to anyone willing to pay the price offered to them.
The publishers can set it up so that you have different sizes, different pages on your blog to sell etc. One of the most valuable things would be the ability to search the available inventory of ads that are selling and for what time you start setting your prices.
8. ExitJunction
This ad network takes on Google AdSense with its unique approach. They interrupt the browser’s natural Back button to place ads in between your site and the search engine for customers coming from the search engine and looking to go back. This will essentially show ads to the visitors, and you can expect to hit revenue before they leave.
9. AdToll
It is a CPC or cost-per-click ad network with a wide range of both payment options and advertising formats. They offer a great user interface for navigation through user panel. In AdToll it is possible to use the revenue you earn as a publisher to advertise your website further. This integration is entirely missing from Google's AdSense.
AdToll offers a Peel Away Ad technology that shows a peel on the top right hand side of a web site. When the visitor's mouse moves over the peel it reveal the advert within. This new ad format allows best use of the highly visible top corners of web sites. It is very non intrusive to the site visitor. As it uses a small amount of space, it is efficient use of web site real estate. An additional plus is that such a new advertising format always draws curious clicks for visitors.
They makes payments via Cheque, Paypal, ePassporte and Wire/Bank Transfer.

10. TargetPoint
This ad network is specifically publisher-oriented. It allows the publishers

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